Startup New Zealand

Startup Weekend New Zealand

Genratec has been an avid supporter and sponsor of Startup Weekend New Zealand events supporting the art and science of innovation, developing talent and teams to meet the challenges of our global markets and the future.

Genratec’s own founder Alan Froggatt was instrumental to forming and is a founder of Startup New Zealand and has provided support, advice and directorship for Startup Weekend New Zealand since the inaugural event in April 2011.

Startup Weekend New Zealand has seen more than 45 events between 2011 and 2016 and New Zealand quickly rose to be the country providing more Startup Weekends per population than any country globally. This was due in large part to a core national body coordinating talent, sponsorship and direction. It is one of the largest and diverse entrepreneurial networks in New Zealand with those involved totalling several thousand including graduates, mentors, organisers and sponsors of the 54 hour event