Thanks very much for the invaluable assistance and learning opportunity you have provided me with during our partnership. I truly believe that my outlook and world-view have expanded through our time together so that I now look at life‰’s challenges and opportunities from a very different perspective to a year ago.

My personal goals are much greater now and my self-imposed limitations much less due to this change in outlook, meaning that it is much easier to achieve those goals. To create concrete returns from these goals, I have learned real skills and habits which I will call on in many different situations going forward ‰ÛÒ skills such as inquiring into the root cause of events to be able to seize a new opportunity, or fully understanding another party‰Ûªs viewpoint and therefore motivations in any negotiation.

At times our discussions have been uncomfortable for me, when you have probed some of my entrenched beliefs, exposing them to the light and allowing me to examine them from a new perspective.

On each occasion I have felt refreshed and somewhat relieved afterwards, having had the opportunity to test each for it‰Ûªs real validity, and re-affirming or discarding it accordingly. The real learning though is in the realisation that I can do this myself, thereby taking control over much of my previous self-limitation. I look forward to taking this on and achieving great things in the future, and will enthusiastically recommend the GenratecåÊpartnership to others who want to generate a fulfilling and challenging life around them. Yours sincerely, Andrew Guthrie Brunello Consulting