


Developing the Leaders that Train Leaders

The Genratec MasterLiving Supervisors Programme provides select practitioners with the next level of their professional development. Supervision is a demanding and rewarding opportunity to provide experiential insight, support and leverage for coaches within a structured partnership

The Genratec MasterLiving Supervisors Programme is a integrative learning process.

Development as a Supervisor

The first section provides an academic and emotional frame for cognitive and relational insight. This section focuses on building an understanding of the form, purpose, and dynamics of the supervisory relationship.


Integrative Practicum

The second part is a practicum designed to apply and extend this knowledge into the supervisory relationship using a multitude of tools including using casework.

On graduation of the Genratec Supervisors Programme, Associates gain Senior Associate status.

Genratec Supervisors gain
  • Effective supervision methodology
  • Enhanced expertise & reputation
  • Greater personal development
  • Senior professional community
  • Broader practice experience
  • Ongoing supervisory development
  • Support other practitioners
  • Extend your ‘reach’ Senior Associate status
  • Successful completion of the Associates Programme
  • Genuine commitment to serving others
  • Skillful application of the Genratec MasterLiving Programme
  • Ability to perceive and make appropriate interventions
  • Knowledge of the Genratec technology
  • Successful use of the business systems
  • Suitable experience and practice hours


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