[memb_wp_user fieldname=”user_firstname”] [memb_wp_user fieldname=”user_lastname”]

Practice and Professional Development

[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”1237″]Practice Management Admin Dashboard[/memb_has_any_tag]


Client Hours


Prof Dev Hours


Business Dev Hours

Session Prep 0

Coaching 0

Support 0

Supervision 0

Training 0

Other Training 0

Strategy 0

Promotion 0

Administration 0

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Practice and Professional Development Entries

Period Start Date Period End Date Client Hrs Total Prof Dev Total Business Total Total Hours Publish Status Edit
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Period Start Date Period End Date Client Hrs Total Prof Dev Total Business Total Total Hours Publish Status Edit

Practice and Professional Development Field Instructions

Logging time.

The main unit for recording time in this log is hours and therefore any minutes recorded need to be converted to a decimal point. 15 mins = .25,  30 = .5, 45 mins = .75. All time should be rounded down to the nearest 15 minute increment.

Client Work

Session Preparation

This is time spent preparing for Client sessions. Reading session notes and distinctions, designing interventions, etc.


This is time spent in scheduled Client sessions.


This is time spent supporting Clients (email and phone calls) extra to scheduled sessions.


This is time spent in client case or professional sessions with your supervisor or Genratec Trainer. Does not include operational inquiries.


This is time spent in scheduled Genratec Training Conference calls, workshops and conferences.

Other Training

This is Genratec endorsed external training. Use only under express direction by Genratec


Time spent on designing and developing your Generative Canvas and related strategies such as designing campaigns.


This is general promotion including writing and delivering campaigns, speaking (e.g. BNI 10 minutes) about your work. Think outbound messages.


Specific conversations with prospects and leads about coaching where an offer is being explored.


All activities relating to invoicing and managing payment, entering data into CRM and other systems, Managing and filing agreements and other paperwork. (Note. include hours of any generally retained office assistant where these categories apply.


Footnotes: * This time is not added to profile hours.

Genratec Stats

Total Practice and Professional Development for all practitioners

Total Client Work



Total Professional Dev

