If you have a understanding of the quadrants of Integral Theory then this is a simple worksheet can help you to sketch out your chosen topic or focus and map some of the integral perspectives.

integral-quadrants-simpleIf you have a basic understanding then you can print this worksheet and place any issue you’re currently dealing with in the center circle labeled “focus”. It can be anything – a particular circumstance, a relationship, a project, an idea, and issue…. anything.

Each of the quadrants allows you to focus on a particular perspective. The “I” quadrant is your subjective experience; what you think and feel about the issue. The “We” quadrant allow you to identify the meaning and relationships involved in your issue of focus. The “It” quadrant allow you to identify the objective aspects such as the things, actions and behaviours surrounding your focus issue. And, finally, the “Its” quadrant is the surrounding broader systems in which your issue resides or could reside.

If we put “work” as the focus for instance we might write down all our emotions and thoughts about work. This might enlighten us to the way which we relate to work. We would write down the ways people we connect with regard work, it’s social meaning and value. Then we note our training, experience, skills in the “it” quadrant and finally in “it’s’ we might consider the make up of the systems and markets for work; employers and self-employed, the legal and related industries, the current labour and exchange networks.

This can be done in any order. Start anywhere, brainstorm, explore the multiple facets. The idea is to understand that context(s) that the issue is in and by knowing more you expand your options.

You might then change one or more of these facets… in our example about work you might handle an internal feeling of scarcity or resignation about a type of work (I) and also go and explore options for work, career or vocation (It’s) employee, self-employed, entrepreneur, or value creator.