As many of us are dealing with more complexity around performance, leadership, communities and creating value we need powerful tools and perspectives to navigate. Tools and perspectives allow us to make distinctions; to understand the recipe and parts that make something work (or not). Just as in the domain of money it is useful to define what comes in and what goes out, income and expenses respectively. Further distinctions in expenses allow us to understand the types of expenses that can support or swallow a business. In this respect having an understanding of return on investment (ROI) becomes a useful framework to assess the money we are spending.
These kinds of distinctions are easier to define due their artefacts. They exist in the concrete, or gross, world.
There are another kinds of distinctions that created and applied in the subtle ( mental, emotional, identity and social interaction). Mastery in both allows us to integrate matter and spirit, so to speak. It allows us to imbue the material world with value and animate it towards purpose.
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