Alan Froggatt

Genratec Founder | Senior Partner

Reaching our potential requires us to reinvent ourselves; to create our own designed future and go about building the capability to realise it. It is then that our lives and our work can be a demonstration of what is most important to us.


Alan delivers:


  • Genratec® Regional Partner
  • Genratec® Senior Partner
  • Dip Trans Psych
  • Dip Psych
  • Cert Integr. Gestalt
  • Cert Psychodynamic Psych

Genratec since 1996
Client hours 27793
Development hours 2433


Alan works with clients in:
AU | Asia Pacific | CA | EU | Global | NZ | UK | US


Telephone: +64 21 399275

PO Box 302803, North Harbour
Auckland 0751 New Zealand

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  • Youngest qualified Psychotherapist in NZ at 26
  • Bought 38 Houses in 5 months creating 1M+ for investors
  • Founded Startup New Zealand 45+ events, 4K+ individuals, 9 cities

As technology founder, regional partner and trainer, Alan has multiple roles:

Regional Partner

Alan Froggatt is Founder and Genratec Regional Partner for New Zealand. He is instrumental in developing and supporting the Genratec global network and community. He has a proven track record providing coaches and leaders with a solid foundation in the professional coaching field.

Senior Partner

As a Genratec Senior Partner, Alan Froggatt is responsible for the development and delivery of rigorous training programmes for Genratec Associates and Partners. He is an established professional coach with well over a decade of coaching and training experience internationally.

Technology Development

Alan is the founding author of Genratec’s methodology and technology. Alan focused his significant formal qualifications and skills, clinical and private practice experience and successful business application over many years into a proprietary blend of methodology and processes. As the principal author of the technology he actively continues to research and develop the evolution of Genratecs unique Generative Technologies.

Industry Advocate

Alan maintains a strong focus on reclaiming the coaching territory for professional practitioners. In this capacity he is the organisation’s voice on professional development and integrity in the coaching arena.

  • Well over 20 years in human development and potential
  • 11+ years of professional coaching and training coaches full time
  • Knowledge and insight gained from formal training and field experience
  • Understands the strengths and limitations of coaching


A strong vision and set of values underpinned by two decades of experience in human potential and development. Early in life Alan demonstrated a deep curiosity for human development. He practiced hypnosis and hypnotherapy professionally at age 18. Alan continued to study and provide therapy, seminars, workshops and training in the area of human development and mental health for many years. Alan gained formal qualifications as Psychotherapist at the age of 26. This was New Zealand youngest at the time. His specialist focus in the areas of Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Integrative Gestalt and Transpersonal Psychodynamics. His growing passion for realising human potential fuels Genratec’s commitment to a new era in professional coaching. Alan is a New Zealander who travels extensively lecturing on personal and professional development and is described as an enigmatic force on the coaching podium.

Regional Partner

As a Genratec Senior Partner Alan is responsible for the development and delivery of rigorous training programmes for Genratec Associates and Partners. He has an established professional coaching practice with over a decade of coaching experience internationally.


  • Genratec® Regional Partner
  • Genratec® Senior Partner
  • Dip Psych., Dip Trans Psych., Cert Integr. Gestalt., Cert Psychodynamic Psych
  • Successful in business and investing
  • Broad range of training and experience

Deep insight into people, systems and businesses


Human beings have much more potential than they demonstrate… what if that potential was what your life was about? It is possible to give up ‘good’ and to generate ‘great’. To let go of what is merely ‘working’ in life, for what ultimately is your best and to master your world. Mastery is that exceptional (and achievable) level at which we awaken dormant talents and generate capacities to evolve to completely new realms. In shifting the fabric of our world Genratec aims to create a groundswell of extraordinary individuals who cause a powerful and positive effect in society. For as Theodore Roethke puts it: “What we need is more people who specialise in the impossible”

Ideal Clients

Alan coaches leaders, business people and other coaches in generative capacity. He is committed to advancing their skills and competencies to lead the personal and organisational evolution of; individuals, key teams and businesses. “Alan demonstrates remarkable loyalty to his clients. He’s genuinely committed to working with them in all dimensions of life, to realise their greatest potential” – Diana Parry Ideal Client Attributes

  • Ambitious people with an ambitious project that they want to bring to fruition
  • Those who are curious about what their world could be if they could generate their ideal future
  • People ready and willing to learn new competencies and integrate them into their personal and professional life
  • Those who are seeking the resources to get to the next level of success in their world

Clients are selected on their level of commitment to living their potential. They are ready to be bold and authentically committed to a powerful future that they will invent and accomplish. Alan is committed to, “shifting the fabric of our culture”. His core belief is that with authentic insight and a powerful ally, human beings can realise potential that even surprises themselves.

The compassion of the strong is in waking people up to their blindness. For that, you need to be a warrior. – Fernando Flores

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