Keith J. Cunningham_

Businessman, entrepreneur, international speaker, and author Keith J. Cunningham newest book, The Ultimate Blueprint for an Insanely Successful Business.

A Poet’s Advice by E.E. Cummings_

E.E. Cummings on the path to becoming a poet and what it take to be authentic.

Digital Vs Human: Richard Watson_

Richard Watson explores some of these forces in our current zeitgeist. What we are reading in various channels are trite regurgitated ideas about the future. They are reflections of our culture and our media rather than understanding the context in which our thinking, and therefore our relationship to the future, arises.

Alvin Toffler On How Tomorrow’s Wealth Will Be Created

Alvin Toffler On How Tomorrow’s Wealth Will Be Created

Genratec Integral Focus Worksheet

If you have a understanding of the quadrants of Integral Theory then this is a simple worksheet can help you to sketch out your chosen topic or focus and map some of the integral perspectives.

Reinventing Organizations_

Reinventing Organizations
Increasingly, employees and managers (but also doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.) are disillusioned with the way we run organizations today. We all somehow sense that there simply must be better ways to run our businesses, nonprofits, schools and hospitals.

This hopeful talk shares the key insights from groundbreaking research into the emergence, in different parts of the world, of truly powerful and soulful organizations that have made a radical leap beyond today’s management thinking.

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Erhard on Growing Leaders_

Werner Erhard and Warren Bennis at JFK School of Government, Harvard University on “Growing Leaders in a Changing World”

3 ways the brain creates meaning

Information designer Tom Wujec talks through three areas of the brain that help us understand words, images, feelings, connections. In this short talk from TEDU

AQAL Introduction

This is a simple walk-through of the integral model.